Sprint 2 - Core Blog
My Revised Learning Plan for Bootcamp
The original learning plan is below. Updated 7 March 2021.
What is your long term goal and/or career pathway?
After my previous career that didn’t feel like the best fit and one in which I couldn’t see myself succeeding in I’m hopeful that a career in coding/web development will suit me better in the long run. During EDA I hope to become an improved version of myself.
In the long term I’d like to continue to improve and better myself. I’d like to work with skilled people on high quality projects for clients who are thinking about how to help people.
At this time I don’t have any interest in running my own business, but who knows where the future will lead. I don’t have a specific destination in mind, but as an example, I like by the work that is done at Dovetail - a studio who’s work is based more in design. Roam also seems like a place I’d be interested in working.
What do you think your biggest strengths and limitations will be in Bootcamp?
After proceeding through Foundations, I think my biggest limitation will be my own head. Through intentional practice I’m trying my best to move away from fixed mindset behaviours, however in times of high stress it can be very difficult to do. Rather than close off I’ll need to try hard to stay positive, curious, kind and compassionate.
I’m hoping to leverage the skills learned as a project manager to help me through Bootcamp. As one example I think that if I can establish a plan for my days and weeks that I know will get me through my workload it will go a long way to helping with my stress levels - I’ll also need to be sure to plan in time for exercise, eating well, reading, and enough sleep.
What do you think your biggest non-technical challenge at Bootcamp will be?
I don’t usually look forward to speaking in front of groups of people, especially when I’m not confident of the information I’m talking about, so I can see this being something I’ll find difficult.
I am anxious about working in pairs as, being brand new to coding, I don’t have a lot of confidence in my technical abilities. I believe that we’ll work through problems as a team but I feel as though I’ll need to overcome initial embarrassment at my abilities.
I am also concerned about my ability to stay on top of the workload, as it does sound like it could be quite significant, however I just need to take this week by week and day by day.
What non-technical skills would you like to see developed in yourself whilst at EDA?
I’d really like to develop growth mindset skills at EDA; in a sustainable fashion that I can continue once I leave. It’d be a massive win for me and I think would see me really develop positively as a person.
I’d like to improve at both self-awareness and reflection.
I’d also like to try to regain some confidence in my leadership skills and in working in teams and pairs.
Most of all I’d like to gain more confidence to be myself in any given environment.
What are your expectations of yourself on Bootcamp?
Seeking help in a timely fashion -
I’ll do my best not to get into a negative headspace regarding a problem. From my experience of Foundations working through the list of newly learned problem solving techniques will help me to stay positive. When I get down to asking peers or a facilitator for help I’ll try not to put it off. I understand that others might be busy or stressed and so I’ll try to remain aware of this and not expect immediate them to be able to provide their time and attention immediately.
A commitment to managing my workload -
I will create a calendar for Bootcamp that I will do my best to adhere to. If it isn’t working I’ll revise it. It will need to ensure that I’m spending a suitable amount of time on my work, but also plan in time for reflection, exercise, and other things outside of EDA that will help with my mental health during Bootcamp.
I will do my best to maintain good mental health during Bootcamp in order to work positively with others.
My Original Learning Plan
My long term goal / career pathway ambitions:
In the long term I am interested in developing my skills in full stack web development with more of a focus on front-end. I’d like to work in an innovative environment around creative people.
What non-technical human skills would I like to develop whilst at EDA?
During the EDA bootcamp I'd like to see myself develop:
- My empathy skills
- My confidence in general; that I can do new and hard things.
- Not being afraid to ask a question for worry that I’ll look bad in front of my peers.
Commitment to learning - how will I manage my workload
How I will manage myself to work productively and safely with other learners, facilitators, and industry representatives:
- I will commit to giving my best effort to try to succeed in this course.
- I will try to plan out my week’s workload so that I understand how much I need to do each day in order to manage my stress levels.
- I will try to manage my mental health in order to stay productive and positive.
My Peers
- I will always be available to help with any question or problem. Happy to be a sounding board even if I don’t know the answer.
- I will try to be a friendly and positive peer.
- I will try myself to find the solution to a problem before asking a question, and I’ll try my best to ask a narrow question that gets to the point of the problem.
- I recognise that the facilitators have their own workload to manage so I will be respectful of their time commitments.
Industry Representatives
- I will show respect and to those giving their time outside of work to come and speak with us (or whatever their involvement might be).
What will I do when things are building up and starting to get to me:
- I will try to reach out to someone else to talk.
- I will try to drink water and take little breaks away from the screen.
- Get as much sleep as possible
- Continue to exercise regularly
My commitment as to how and where I will seek help in a timely way:
- If I come across a problem, I will first try to find the answer myself; if I can’t I will reach out to my peers (on Slack or in person) or a facilitator.
- I will try my best to not spend too long getting bogged down on a problem.
- I will remember that others are working to their own schedule and may not be available to speak with me immediately. I need to plan for this in advance.
What I expect from the Facilitators:
- I would like the facilitators to be available for ad hoc chats when their schedule allows.
- I would appreciate if they tried their best not to get frustrated by ill informed questions (as long as its apparent I’ve tried to research the problem).
Scheduling information - other commitments:
- Twice a week I will try to get to a 6pm gym class.
- On Thursday nights around 6pm I cook dinner for my flatmates. I usually go to the supermarket the same day around 12pm.