

Sam's EDA Blog

Sprint 4 - Core Blog


How Does an Understanding of Neuroplasticity Benefit You?

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to continue to adapt or change over time by creating new neurone and building new networks. Neural activities that are used often become strongly linked in the brain and those that aren’t are forgotten.

Scientists previously believed that the brain stopped growing after adolescence but more recent research has showed that the brain is able to continue growing and changing throughout the human lifespan. This means that it is possible to change dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behaving and to develop new mindsets, new skills, and new abilities.

With all of this in mind it is empowering when approaching a new topic that you would like to learn about, or to try and get better at something that you have previously considered difficult. By creating the right conditions for learning, your brain is able to grow and adapt to this stimulus. Even just understanding how the brain works in this way is motivating for anyone who wants to make a positive change in their life.

Engaging With Neuroplasticity For Your Own Benefit

Neural pathways are strengthened by repeatedly engaging the neurons required for a particular mental task. This could be in order to perform a physical action or to imagine performing the same action, the same neural pathways are engaged.

Activities that help to promote the strengthening of your synaptic connectivity are:

What Are Some Ways You Can Increase Your Neuroplasticity?

Some of the ways that you are able to increase your neuroplasticity are:

Link to a Useful Resource

I found the 10 Fundamentals of neuroplasticity described in Debbie Hampton’s article interesting! I hadn’t previously considered that motivation helps to improve the brain’s ability to learn or that brain plasticity is a two-way street where negative changes are as easy to make as positive ones.

If you would like to check it out, you can read more here.

Growth Mindset

What is a Growth Mindset?

Growth mindset is a theory centred around the belief that intelligence and learning are not fixed, but can be developed and improved. Someone with a growth mindset will have a positive attitude towards learning and their ability to progress and achieve. This person is also more likely to rise to challenges and to learn from mistakes rather than feeling stressed and defeated.

With these things in mind, and if you are able to practice and show to yourself that you can improve, you are setting yourself up with a much higher chance of succeeding at your chosen goal.

What Did I Discover About Myself in This Exploration?

I think in the past I have definitely exhibited fixed mindset behaviours and so I am encouraged to try to turn this around to get the most out of learning and take a growth mindset approach into other aspects of life.

How I Will Integrate a Growth Mindset Into My Learning Journey

Since learning about the growth mindset I have changed how I talk about my abilities. I’ll often intentionally use the word “yet” when talking about something I’m not currently skilled at. As though I’m not yet good at that thing but there’s no reason I couldn’t be if I chose to.

I will try my best to practice framing challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Link to a Useful Resource

I really enjoyed watching an animated video called ‘Developing a Growth Mindset’. You can check it out here.

Blend With Learning Plan and Strategies

How Will These New Learnings Influence My Learning Plan and Strategy?

I have created a daily plan to practice previously covered content and intentionally target things I found difficult.

I will try to form habits out of meditation, journalling, and goal setting and reflection.

I will try to be mindful of my mental approach to challenges in order to frame these in a positive fashion, believing that I am capable of learning anything if I apply myself.